Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Family Date

Last night, me, Blake, and Chloe went on a 'family date' to Hananoki! It was great. Truly, we never go by ourselves as a family to eat dinner. It was nice. Blake got off at 5pm for his early night out. We both went to pick up Chloe from school, and then we headed to eat! Chloe absolutely loves Hananoki. If we just mention it, she won't stop talking about it. She did so great. Since it was just the 3 of us, she got to have her own spot to eat. She sat in a booster (which made me sad), she used her chop sticks, she drank the soup out of the little spoon...really, it is just too much for me to talk about--she is getting SO big. Anyway, it was a great night. Our cook was amazing and we were in and out in an hour (kind of unheard of there).

1 comment:

  1. our kids also love goig there! leila still gets afraid of the fire...we just went the other night before our wreck.
